“Badak Jawa” able to live until 45 years old in the wild, and usually lives in lowland rain forest, wet grasslands and large flood plain areas. These rhinos are mostly calm, except when the breeding season and raise their children, live in a groups and often congregate near a mud puddle or an area with a lot of mineral content. Adult rhinoceros have almost no predators as an enemy, tend to avoid humans but do not hesitate to attack humans if feel disturbed.
Once “Badak Jawa” is one of Asia most numerous population and spread across many region in Asia. Although called "Badak Jawa", they live spread throughout the islands of Indonesia, to Southeast Asia, India and China. Unfortunately this species now is in extremely critical status, with only found in two known wild areas. They are included the rarest mammals on earth, only about 50 live in Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon, Indonesia. While in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam the population is estimated not more than 8 tails. The reduced of “Badak Jawa” population due to poaching for its horn, which is very valuable in traditional Chinese medicine. Other factors is the loss of habitat due to the Vietnam War in Southeast Asia, susceptible to disease, and reduced of various genetic that cause proliferation. In the endemic diseases or natural disasters such as tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes of Krakatau Mountain, the “Badak Jawa” population in Indonesia is expected to be immediately vanished.