Save Our Endangered Animals!

In addition to the mission of introducing variety themes about Indonesia, we also want to build a caring of our fans & friends for preservation. We want to build an understanding of the importance of inherited traditions, culture, and everything origin Indonesia to the next generation, including endangered animals. In the design of "Indonesia Animal Series", we raised two rare animals as its theme: “The Sumatran Tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae)” and “The Java Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus)”. Both are threatened with extinction due to poaching, deforestation, climate change, natural disasters, etc.

The Sumatran tiger is one of six sub-species of tigers that still survive to this day and are included in the classification of critically endangered species. The population in the wild is only about 400 individuals. As the primary predator in the food chain, the tiger preserve wild prey populations that are under control so that the balance between prey and vegetation that they eat can be maintained. Sumatran tiger faces two types of threats: habitat destruction due to the high rate of deforestation and the illegal trade in which body parts sold at high prices on the black market for traditional medicines, jewelry, amulets and decorations.

The one-horned Javan Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is Rhinocerotidae family members, one of five types of rhinoceros that still exist today and into the same genus Rhinoceros India. This species is now extremely critical status, with only two known populations are found in the wild. Now including the rarest mammals on earth, there are only about 50 live tails Park is home, Indonesia. While in Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam in 2007 estimated the population is not more than 8 tails. Reduced Javan rhino population due to poaching for its horn, which is very valuable in traditional Chinese medicine. Another factor is habitat destruction, prone to disease, and reduced genetic diversity that cause proliferation.

Through both these designs, LITTLE INDONESIA want to do a simple campaign to save the two species, merely introducing the existence to the kids and hope will build their awareness. We consciously did not have any power to do more than this, but we believe by being part of a movement no matter how small it is, will help to expand the escalation and the outcome of the movement. While enjoying our products, you can also take a small part of a campaign to protect the animal’s native to Indonesia. Let’s Save Our Endangered Animals!

Jakarta, March 1, 2003
The Ideas of Indonesia